Well integrity begins with the cementing process. As operations move into deeper waters and unconventional applications with higher angles, pressures, and temperatures, proper planning and execution are crucial and cementing equipment must meet even higher standards. WellRx provides top-quality equipment for cementing operations in the toughest operating environments. Each product is engineered to deliver high value and reliability. WellRx provides complete package of casing accessories that are tailored to the customer’s well design and application.
The WellRx Portfolio
WellRx “PLAZR” Series Float Collars
Float Collar is installed near the bottom of the casing string on which cement plugs land during the primary cementing operation. It typically consists of a short length of casing fitted with a check valve. WellRx offers all types and variations including flapper-valve type, a spring-loaded ball valve or other type. The check-valve assembly fixed within the float collar prevents flowback of the cement slurry when pumping is stopped. Customized designs are also available on request.
WellRx “PLAPAD” Series Float Shoes
Float Shoe is attached to the downhole end of a casing string. An integral check valve in the float shoe prevents reverse flow, or U-tubing, of cement slurry from the annulus into the casing or flow of wellbore fluids into the casing string as it is run. The float shoe also guides the casing toward the center of the hole to minimize hitting rock ledges or washouts as the casing is run into the wellbore. The float shoe reduces hook weight. With controlled or partial fill-up as the string is run, the casing string can be floated into position, avoiding the need for the rig to carry the entire weight of the casing string.
WellRx “KENDR” Series Centralizers
WellRx centralizers are designed for strength and superior performance under the most demanding conditions. All common types and casing/hole size combinations are available. Custom designs are available on request.
WellRx “AST” Series Reamer Shoes
WellRx AST Series Reamer are designed with blade cutting structure and diamond shaped faces which ensures safe passage of casing and liners thus facilitating rotating and reciprocating applications. It effectively negotiates around ledges, swelling shale, mud cake build-up on porous formations, or sand bridges occurring in the wellbore. The nature of the problem determines which style of shoe is most appropriate. WellRx provide all types, sizes and variations.
WellRx “VIRZ” Series Stop Collars
WellRx VIRZ Series Stop Collars are designed for strength, top performance, and compatibility with specific centralizers to hold each centralizer in its intended location and provide the standoff desired. Variety of fastening mechanisms–setscrews, slips, nails, adhesive plus setscrews and bolts for different applications. Available for all common casing sizes. Custom designs available on request.
WellRx “VAJR” Series Cement Plug
The WellRx “WRC” Top & Bottom Cementing Plugs separates the cement from the drill mud and Bottom plug features a rubber diaphragm which is opened once the plug has landed on the cement Float Collar. The Top Plug as a follow plug to displace cement and land on the upper face of the Bottom Plug. The body consists of Aluminum insert moulded with Nitrile Rubber fins, this allows the drill bit to fracture the ebonite rather than tear the rubber. This feature allows it reducing the drill out time significantly. No metal parts are used therefore the plugs are PDC drillable.
WellRx “VAKA” Series Cement Head
WellRx Cementing Head is designed to hold a cementing plug before it is pumped down the casing during the cementing operation. In most operations, a bottom plug is launched before the spacer or cement slurry. The top plug is released from the cement Head after the spacer fluid. A manifold incorporated into the cement head assembly allows connection of a fluid circulation line.
WellRx “VAPE” Series Cement Basket
Cement Basket is typically run above weak formations or lost circulation zones that require protection from pressure exerted by the cement column. Normally installed on the casing string above the weak formation, its design allows cement to flow in an upward direction and hold the weight of the cement column once cementing operation ceases.
WellRx “VEVAJ” Series Stage Cementing Tool
WellRx Stage tool allows cementing of casing string in two stages. These tool set the standard for reliability, cost effectiveness, and ease of use with outstanding built-in features and quality. They are the tools of choice when drilling requirements call for proven technology and low risk. The compact, simple design minimizes the number of moving parts and makes the tools easier to handle.
WellRx “VABHA” Series Cement Retainer
WellRx VABHA Series Cement Retainers are an isolation tool set in the casing or liner that enables treatments to be applied to a lower interval while providing isolation from the annulus above. Cement retainers are typically used in cement squeeze or similar remedial treatments. A specially profiled probe, known as a stinger, is attached to the bottom of the tubing string to engage in the retainer during operation. When the stinger is removed, the valve assembly isolates the wellbore below the cement retainer.